Cpt. Obvious: burrard street at sunset
Cpt. Obvious: the horizon is for cranes.
Cpt. Obvious: a man pauses to feed the birds
Cpt. Obvious: I love saturated colour
Cpt. Obvious: the ovaltine cafe
Cpt. Obvious: bird on a wire
Cpt. Obvious: east hastings
Cpt. Obvious: the chaos of vancouver on a snowy day
Cpt. Obvious: nothing says lovin quite like snackwells in a gutter
Cpt. Obvious: snow day
Cpt. Obvious: cinnamon bun feast
Cpt. Obvious: to the couple in the matching yellow raincoats
Cpt. Obvious: Sun Yat Sen Garden
Cpt. Obvious: the orpheum
Cpt. Obvious: cafe crepe
Cpt. Obvious: jelena, pari, and craig
Cpt. Obvious: betty and donna
Cpt. Obvious: jaime
Cpt. Obvious: linda
Cpt. Obvious: pei, betty, and donna
Cpt. Obvious: mmm fermented residue.
Cpt. Obvious: DSCF6950
Cpt. Obvious: DSCF6948
Cpt. Obvious: DSCF6946