Cpt. Postma: Landing Configuration
Cpt. Postma: Flying
Cpt. Postma: Spoilers Up, Flaps and Gear Down
Cpt. Postma: Flaps Down
Cpt. Postma: Coming In for a Landing
Cpt. Postma: Landing Configuration
Cpt. Postma: Engine On
Cpt. Postma: Engine Off
Cpt. Postma: Wing Detail
Cpt. Postma: Overhead
Cpt. Postma: Floor and Roof Removed
Cpt. Postma: Controls
Cpt. Postma: RCX Access
Cpt. Postma: Looking up the Isle
Cpt. Postma: P1000323
Cpt. Postma: Passengers
Cpt. Postma: Top View
Cpt. Postma: On the Tarmak
Cpt. Postma: Display Stand
Cpt. Postma: Plane Crash!
Cpt. Postma: Plane Crash!
Cpt. Postma: Fuselage Cross Section Mockup
Cpt. Postma: Nose Side Section Mockup