CP Shelton: Union Station in Paris, Texas
CP Shelton: Union Station in Paris, Texas
CP Shelton: Union Station in Paris, Texas
CP Shelton: Union Station in Paris, Texas
CP Shelton: Texas historical marker
CP Shelton: Union Station in Paris, Texas
CP Shelton: Union Station in Paris, Texas
CP Shelton: Union Station in Paris, Texas
CP Shelton: Union Station in Paris, Texas
CP Shelton: Union Station in Paris, Texas
CP Shelton: Union Station in Paris, Texas
CP Shelton: The T & P Depot
CP Shelton: The T & P Depot in Abilene, Texas
CP Shelton: T & P Depot, southeast view
CP Shelton: T & P Depot, southside detail
CP Shelton: T & P Depot, west view
CP Shelton: Texas State Historical Marker
CP Shelton: Santa Fe Station (1909)
CP Shelton: Santa Fe Station (1909)
CP Shelton: Santa Fe Station (1909)
CP Shelton: Santa Fe Station (1909)
CP Shelton: Santa Fe Station (built 1909) & Railroad Museum
CP Shelton: Santa Fe Station & South Orient engine
CP Shelton: ceiling detail
CP Shelton: ceiling detail
CP Shelton: oculus
CP Shelton: Chattanooga Terminal lobby