PrendosCK5: GM44, 4878, 4859 EDI Rail Port Augusta. The two 48 class were latter sold to Grain Corp
PrendosCK5: IMG_8050
PrendosCK5: Its a bit big for North Star!
PrendosCK5: TAR Centenary Special
PrendosCK5: IMG_6679
PrendosCK5: IMG_6678
PrendosCK5: IMG_6716
PrendosCK5: image
PrendosCK5: BL30 in the heat of Western NSW
PrendosCK5: image
PrendosCK5: image
PrendosCK5: image
PrendosCK5: image
PrendosCK5: NR103 Spencer Junction
PrendosCK5: NR103
PrendosCK5: image
PrendosCK5: image
PrendosCK5: IMG_0834
PrendosCK5: Former Freight Australia Loco Broken Hill
PrendosCK5: IMG_8586
PrendosCK5: IMG_8593
PrendosCK5: IMG_8393
PrendosCK5: IMG_8659
PrendosCK5: End of the Line
PrendosCK5: IMG_2115
PrendosCK5: IMG_0834
PrendosCK5: IMG_0838
PrendosCK5: The Original 93 class