dr. cpod_the_elder:
morning hike at avalanche creek
dr. cpod_the_elder:
hiking bass creek
dr. cpod_the_elder:
base of the falls
dr. cpod_the_elder:
down the falls
dr. cpod_the_elder:
holland falls
dr. cpod_the_elder:
holland falls from lake
dr. cpod_the_elder:
holland lake
dr. cpod_the_elder:
elsa and jodi running down the trail
dr. cpod_the_elder:
arrowleaf balsamroot
dr. cpod_the_elder:
hiking season
dr. cpod_the_elder:
Turning of the larch
dr. cpod_the_elder:
snack time on the trail
dr. cpod_the_elder:
section of avalanche creek falls
dr. cpod_the_elder:
hidden lake
dr. cpod_the_elder:
cut bank creek trailhead
dr. cpod_the_elder:
Hiking with baby
dr. cpod_the_elder:
Flower and sky
dr. cpod_the_elder:
break time at woods gulch
dr. cpod_the_elder:
checking out the creek
dr. cpod_the_elder:
creek crossing
dr. cpod_the_elder:
trail: north fork of howard creek
dr. cpod_the_elder:
Elsa "hiking" Kootenai
dr. cpod_the_elder:
Kootenai Creek 3 5-31-2009
dr. cpod_the_elder:
Kootenai Creek 2 5-31-2009
dr. cpod_the_elder:
Kootenai Creek 1 5-31-2009
dr. cpod_the_elder:
Bear Creek Falls 5-24-2009
dr. cpod_the_elder:
Blodgett Canyon
dr. cpod_the_elder:
Wall in Blodgett Canyon
dr. cpod_the_elder:
Hiking the Blodgett Canyon overlook
dr. cpod_the_elder:
Cherry Gulch Trail