cpgorski: Organ
cpgorski: Organ bits: narthex
cpgorski: Lenten evening services
cpgorski: Blessèd St. Joseph’s Day
cpgorski: Icon Made Without Hands
cpgorski: Mission Week
cpgorski: The mission is over
cpgorski: Palms, and upward towards heaven
cpgorski: It’s like it’s a big day or something
cpgorski: Altar of repose
cpgorski: Seems big and empty. Is it Good Friday yet?
cpgorski: Quietly waiting
cpgorski: St. Raphael the Archangel and Tobiah
cpgorski: Moses and the Burning Bush
cpgorski: It’s almost time...
cpgorski: Almost time...
cpgorski: Almost time...
cpgorski: Almost time...
cpgorski: It is time.
cpgorski: And with that, Mass is over and it’s Easter.
cpgorski: Crowded