Chris P.: 20100920-IMG_9667.jpg
Chris P.: Kreuz Market Pit
Chris P.: Johnathan The Pit Master sweats it out...
Chris P.: Where there's smoke - there's great barbecue...
Chris P.: Where there's smoke - there's great barbecue...
Chris P.: Smoke - and then BBQ - Pruitt Iron Works
Chris P.: Running in the red...
Chris P.: Piling on the racks of pork ribs
Chris P.: Sausage getting ready for the festival
Chris P.: Texas Monthly Festival
Chris P.: The Stanley's Crew at the Trailer
Chris P.: The Stanley's Crew at the Trailer
Chris P.: Cousins Barbecue
Chris P.: Pit men talking shop
Chris P.: Louie Mueller Barbecue
Chris P.: Louie Mueller's
Chris P.: Louie Mueller
Chris P.: Louie Muellers staff
Chris P.: Visiting with Texas Monthly editor...
Chris P.: Visiting with Texas Monthly editor...
Chris P.: Visiting with Texas Monthly editor...
Chris P.: Visiting with Texas Monthly editor...
Chris P.: Tending a brisket...
Chris P.: Good wood makes good food
Chris P.: Setting Up Stanley's
Chris P.: Stanley's is Number 1
Chris P.: First set musicians finished...
Chris P.: If you want a happy pit-man.... Gold Bond
Chris P.: Ladies from City Meat Market
Chris P.: Ladies from City Meat Market