cpearl: Zoo entrance
cpearl: Video: Flowers and butterflies
cpearl: Savannah
cpearl: Baboon arch
cpearl: Video: walking through the archways
cpearl: Peacock
cpearl: Video: peacock
cpearl: Tortoise
cpearl: Hippos
cpearl: Cheetahs chasing a zebra
cpearl: Giraffes
cpearl: Elephant
cpearl: Golden Monkeys
cpearl: Squirrel
cpearl: Panda forest
cpearl: California Condor
cpearl: Jerboa?
cpearl: Porcupine
cpearl: Dragonflies
cpearl: Video: dragonflies
cpearl: Views of the Bay from the top
cpearl: Ants
cpearl: Me and a butterfly
cpearl: Red fire ant
cpearl: In the fire ant tunnel
cpearl: Praying mantis
cpearl: Snails
cpearl: Video: going back down on the gondola
cpearl: Gondola view
cpearl: At the zoo entrance