Cozy: Leaving and locking up the office for the last time
Cozy: 1am on Sunday night/monday morning
Cozy: Cleared out desk
Cozy: Clearing out 5 years of rubbish!
Cozy: Corner of John Street
Cozy: View from my desk
Cozy: View from my desk
Cozy: Varnished wood
Cozy: Tiles
Cozy: Sandstone staircase
Cozy: EEE
Cozy: Entrance to lifts
Cozy: Always wondered where this hatch went?!
Cozy: Wooden handrails
Cozy: Roofspace above our offices
Cozy: Breathing Apparatus
Cozy: Weird Chemistry stuff
Cozy: Fire Alarm
Cozy: Entrance to Royal College
Cozy: Gauges and diameters
Cozy: Lift lights
Cozy: DMEM
Cozy: Caution
Cozy: James Weir
Cozy: Rottenrow
Cozy: Southern Skyline
Cozy: Royal College west wing
Cozy: Royal College
Cozy: McCance
Cozy: Southern skyline