Cozy: 48151 passes the house
Cozy: The smoke drifts away to reveal the train again
Cozy: 318262 follows the steam engine
Cozy: 48151 Arrives at Carstairs Junction for water
Cozy: Tender half-empty already!
Cozy: Still waiting for the water to arrive
Cozy: The fireman runs a hose-pipe across the fence and up the hill
Cozy: A 91 passes on the way to Glasgow
Cozy: A second 225 set passes, with wi-fi on board
Cozy: Still no water!! The crew get nervous!
Cozy: Nameplate
Cozy: Pressure builds with the wait, so they let off steam
Cozy: Still no water....the crew get nervous
Cozy: The Cavalry arrives!
Cozy: Not fresh milk today - lots of water instead!
Cozy: The tanker parks up
Cozy: The crew sort out pumping the water
Cozy: 20 minutes later - all tanked up and ready to depart
Cozy: Pendolino is let through Carstairs ahead of 48151
Cozy: Glasgow ->
Cozy: Approaching Carstairs 1
Cozy: Approaching Carstairs 2
Cozy: Approaching Carstairs 3
Cozy: Approaching Carstairs 4
Cozy: Approaching Carstairs 5
Cozy: Approaching Carstairs 6
Cozy: Approaching Carstairs 7
Cozy: Approaching Carstairs 8
Cozy: Abandoned Station Hotel
Cozy: IMG_3691