Cozy: Inside a Vestas V80 Wind turbine
Cozy: Wind turbine control panel
Cozy: Wind turbine control panel and data recorder
Cozy: Wind turbine 33kV ring mains output unit
Cozy: Close up of Wind turbine control panel
Cozy: Wind turbine in "pause mode" with blades pitched at 90 degrees
Cozy: Blade tips flexing in the wind. When stopped, the blades are straight
Cozy: Intrepid IEE explorers
Cozy: Facing into the wind...
Cozy: Invasion!
Cozy: The mist descends
Cozy: A broken turbine facing the wrong way
Cozy: Yet more rain!
Cozy: Underneath the turbine
Cozy: still underneath
Cozy: Cloud starting to lift
Cozy: Who left the bucket?
Cozy: looking out to sea
Cozy: Turbine set to "Run", and blades starting to flex as speed builds
Cozy: Turbine at full speed - blade tips travelling at 140 mph!
Cozy: Crane arriving to fix the broken turbine
Cozy: Preparing to lift a new generator into place
Cozy: Extending the jib
Cozy: Windfarm Condition Monitoring Software
Cozy: Individual Turbine output information
Cozy: Scottish Power SF6 Protection
Cozy: Big circuit breakers!
Cozy: Protection and control room
Cozy: Telecomms equipment
Cozy: Windfarm Protection