Cozy: Caudan Waterfront, Port Louis, Mauritius, by night
Cozy: Balcony Waterfront View
Cozy: The docks
Cozy: On a Mission
Cozy: Beer on tap!
Cozy: Takin it easy
Cozy: The Bus Terminus
Cozy: Speeding thru town
Cozy: Chinese Boats
Cozy: Ken surveys his kingdom
Cozy: Captain Coz
Cozy: The Labourdonnais Hotel
Cozy: DSC01905
Cozy: DSC01895
Cozy: Mauritian Sunset
Cozy: Sunset
Cozy: The Phoenix takes effect
Cozy: Coz & Raj
Cozy: Shipping in Mauritius
Cozy: Conference Banquet
Cozy: The jokers table
Cozy: Conference Banquet
Cozy: One day, all this will be mine
Cozy: Definitely Africa
Cozy: In front of the hotel
Cozy: Bedford truck
Cozy: Peaceful gardens, in the centre of Port Louis
Cozy: Place d'Armes
Cozy: Government House
Cozy: Aerial Roots