cozol: Lane Top with a view of Pendle Hill
cozol: Early Morning Frozen Lake - Ball Grove Park
cozol: Winter Garden
cozol: View over Cowling
cozol: Lund's Tower
cozol: Lund's Tower - Long View
cozol: Twisting farm track in the sun
cozol: Sunset over Foulridge
cozol: Spot the Dog!
cozol: Looking out over Cowling
cozol: A Grove of Trees
cozol: Pink Clouds coming over the hill
cozol: Early Morning Sunrise
cozol: Gate Post
cozol: Frosty Sunrise over Cowling
cozol: Pink Clouds & Snowy Fields
cozol: Frosty Sunrise
cozol: Morning Crows
cozol: Lake reflections
cozol: Tranquil River
cozol: No Gate!
cozol: The Lightning Tree
cozol: Sunrise at the Panopticon
cozol: Singing Ringing Tree
cozol: Moon & Sunrise
cozol: Can you guess what it is yet?
cozol: Rowley Lake in the Sun
cozol: The Flock
cozol: Sun Pockets
cozol: Sunset at Pendle Hill