cozdas: Dagger Fly Profile
cozdas: Cliff Hunger
cozdas: Dagger Fly Profile
cozdas: cat Faced Spider munching on a Lacewing
cozdas: Cat Faced Spider munching on a Lacewing
cozdas: Ohm
cozdas: Ohm
cozdas: Mondoshawan from 5th element?
cozdas: Broken little guy on my fıngertıp
cozdas: Little Big Dragon
cozdas: Oh! Hello me.
cozdas: The Shaft! Crane fly wing (detail)
cozdas: The Shaft! Crane fly wing.
cozdas: Chitin
cozdas: Tile Floor
cozdas: USB bug
cozdas: Thrips: smallest flying insect I've ever seen ( ~1mm )
cozdas: Thrips: smallest flying insect I've ever seen ( ~1mm )
cozdas: Green Leaf
cozdas: Spider Wasp Focus Stack
cozdas: Spider Wasp Focus Stack
cozdas: Psychedelic Mite (mite on DVD)
cozdas: Fire Dragon Resting
cozdas: Yes Dragonflies can Dive.
cozdas: Cute Acorn Weevil
cozdas: Cute Acorn Weevil
cozdas: Thrips: smallest flying insect I've ever seen ( ~1mm )