Gallstones: PondsRoadLookingSouth
Gallstones: Northernmost Pond
Gallstones: Next Pond in the series
Gallstones: Leaving second pond
Gallstones: Third pond in the series
Gallstones: Old Highway Bridge in third pond
Gallstones: Southernmost Pond--really big!
Gallstones: South end of the last pond
Gallstones: Road through Opportunity
Gallstones: Trains to the horizon
Gallstones: AlpenGlow April09
Gallstones: 03.07 snow on the roof
Gallstones: March07 Snowfall
Gallstones: WeGotSnow11.18.07
Gallstones: A Hill w/ Mt Hagin
Gallstones: North
Gallstones: C Hill South
Gallstones: Upper Works Trail Map
Gallstones: Old Works Text.
Gallstones: Smelting the Ore
Gallstones: Bottom opening to flue
Gallstones: Flue ruin.
Gallstones: Old Works Trail #1
Gallstones: Old Works Trail #2
Gallstones: Old Works Trail #3
Gallstones: Old Works Trail #4
Gallstones: Anaconda Company Smelter Stack
Gallstones: Anaconda Company Smelter Stack
Gallstones: LeafySpurgeCluster
Gallstones: LeafySpurgeXS