coyotetrips: Our Jasper-Banff-Glacier-Route, saved via my Garmin GPS
coyotetrips: A small patch of green in the gorge
coyotetrips: Stonehenge in the Columbia Gorge
coyotetrips: My Africa Twin at the American Stonehenge
coyotetrips: American stonehenge
coyotetrips: American Stonehenge
coyotetrips: No gas for 82 miles
coyotetrips: Our first night camping on this trip
coyotetrips: Omak, WA camp site
coyotetrips: puppy and Jayne
coyotetrips: Arrived in Canada
coyotetrips: Stefan at the Canadia border
coyotetrips: Osoyoos, Canada
coyotetrips: partridges
coyotetrips: Tent camping overlooking Okanagan Lake
coyotetrips: Local wine
coyotetrips: Half Moon Guest House, Clearwater, Canada
coyotetrips: Kitten plays with Jayne's hair
coyotetrips: Kittens at our Canadian guest house
coyotetrips: Jayne and a kitten
coyotetrips: Along highway 5 in British Columbia
coyotetrips: Moose crossing
coyotetrips: Nearing Jasper National Park
coyotetrips: Welcome to Alberta
coyotetrips: Jasper National Park
coyotetrips: Motorcycles to Jasper National Park
coyotetrips: Other bikers on the road
coyotetrips: Whistlers campground in Jasper National Park
coyotetrips: Jayne is proud to ride her own motorcycle
coyotetrips: Elk herd