Laramie_Coyote: The look that captured my heart...
Laramie_Coyote: Crystal and Siku
Laramie_Coyote: Crested Coua
Laramie_Coyote: Gouldian Finch
Laramie_Coyote: Cooling off!!
Laramie_Coyote: Spur-winged Plover or "The bird in a tuxedo" as I call them!
Laramie_Coyote: Siku and his prize ball
Laramie_Coyote: Crested Coua - Rough Pastel filter
Laramie_Coyote: Cedar Waxwing
Laramie_Coyote: Amethyst Starling
Laramie_Coyote: Amethyst Starling