coxy: Humphrey Park
coxy: Phone.
coxy: Flicxxxr Meet
coxy: The King
coxy: DSC_2576.jpg
coxy: teaeff looks excited.
coxy: Joseph and his Technicolour Backdrop
coxy: Gathering.
coxy: "Over there!"
coxy: teaeff looks on.
coxy: SNAP!
coxy: Hand-stand.
coxy: Yarr, I'm Not Having This!
coxy: No. 65
coxy: Bent.
coxy: Little Lever Street.
coxy: Bricked Windows.
coxy: 44 Blossom St.
coxy: DSC_2619.jpg
coxy: DSC_2624.jpg
coxy: Balloons!
coxy: Mill Portal.
coxy: DSC_2640.jpg
coxy: Look Inside.
coxy: DSC_2653.jpg