cowboyMontana: Old town Riga
cowboyMontana: Old town Riga
cowboyMontana: A cornucopia of churches: Church #1
cowboyMontana: A cornucopia of churches: Church #2
cowboyMontana: St Roland and the House of the Blackheads
cowboyMontana: St Roland the Statue with Alexander the Guide
cowboyMontana: A crusader from Riga who faces ...
cowboyMontana: ... the reason for the crusades
cowboyMontana: Something happens here -- I don't remember what
cowboyMontana: Old town Riga
cowboyMontana: Jesus without his head
cowboyMontana: A cornucopia of churches: Church #3
cowboyMontana: A gift from Bremen Germany, the city from which the founders of Riga came
cowboyMontana: Alexander the Guide and a Gate through the Old Wall Surrounding Riga
cowboyMontana: More of the wall surrounding Riga
cowboyMontana: A cornucopia of churches: Church #4
cowboyMontana: Old town Riga
cowboyMontana: Old town Riga
cowboyMontana: Old town Riga
cowboyMontana: Old town Riga: More churches
cowboyMontana: Old town Riga
cowboyMontana: Notice what the cat is doing...
cowboyMontana: ... it used to do it in the other direction to insult something across the street
cowboyMontana: The streets are curved to break the wind like a ND shelterbelt
cowboyMontana: Old town Riga with statutue
cowboyMontana: Old town Riga
cowboyMontana: Old town Riga
cowboyMontana: Old town Riga (tired of Riga yet?)
cowboyMontana: A cornucopia of churches: Church #5
cowboyMontana: Old town Riga