Courtoly: The Olympia Rumor Mill once was here
Courtoly: Crazy bike
Courtoly: WTF?!?!?!?
Courtoly: Agent Mousetrap and Agent Godzilla Forever!
Courtoly: Where are you Godzilla?
Courtoly: Goodbye to the best flyer spot in Oly
Courtoly: Dumpster Values in action
Courtoly: Oops I'm drunk and taking pictures of cute people
Courtoly: Jenny and Luke
Courtoly: IMG_3238
Courtoly: Marco
Courtoly: Dancin
Courtoly: Ira spins
Courtoly: Sold to a stained glass studio
Courtoly: Fuck the smoking ban, this is a private party
Courtoly: Kendra getting crafty
Courtoly: Joey getting crafty
Courtoly: What cha making Joey?
Courtoly: IMG_3229
Courtoly: Robbie lookin dapper
Courtoly: We will haunt this space forever
Courtoly: Luke and sister
Courtoly: How many hours did I spend...
Courtoly: IMG_3223
Courtoly: IMG_3222
Courtoly: IMG_3221
Courtoly: IMG_3220
Courtoly: IMG_3219
Courtoly: IMG_3218
Courtoly: IMG_3217