courtody: Two Lorikeets
courtody: Fish Guts
courtody: 生煎 at Xiao Yang's
courtody: Morning
courtody: out near Coney
courtody: observing the outside
courtody: millipede-cat moves fast!
courtody: canoeist in manly
courtody: sam the illustrator
courtody: watercolours
courtody: waiting at the bus stop
courtody: sunset on new years eve
courtody: boat on the water
courtody: the bridge explodes!
courtody: happy new year!
courtody: smoke on the water
courtody: jasper smiles
courtody: jasper
courtody: jasper
courtody: lights
courtody: impressionist (modern era)
courtody: it's tall, isn't it?
courtody: resting in the quad
courtody: main e
courtody: jacaranda
courtody: quandrangle
courtody: macleay
courtody: somewhat chiaroscuro
courtody: university of sydney
courtody: "monster style"