Wendkuni: ah, too cute
Wendkuni: ladies carry thier babies so well
Wendkuni: major outties are all the rage
Wendkuni: comment dit-on "smile" en francais?
Wendkuni: our friends
Wendkuni: darla and her little friend
Wendkuni: doing dishes for 30some people with no running water
Wendkuni: munchkin
Wendkuni: a veiw from my room
Wendkuni: trying to get a focused photo with no light
Wendkuni: two fishermen and a full boat
Wendkuni: at the beach
Wendkuni: mama and ashwana
Wendkuni: darla making sense
Wendkuni: it was rad to see what God put on their hearts that week
Wendkuni: how can you tell a Rock pastor is teaching?
Wendkuni: Psalm 139
Wendkuni: hey kiddo
Wendkuni: hey kiddo
Wendkuni: watching the workers
Wendkuni: all these kids were freaked out by the white girls
Wendkuni: then darla and i had lots of friends
Wendkuni: l'eau et les enfants
Wendkuni: kids amped on seeing themselves
Wendkuni: da boys
Wendkuni: *tweet* high kick
Wendkuni: classic poverty photo
Wendkuni: poster kid
Wendkuni: dinner
Wendkuni: Guini Guini