courtly: Dolphin
courtly: Honolulu
courtly: Honolulu
courtly: HLA
courtly: Patty Wong keynote
courtly: Tropical drinks
courtly: Rainbow
courtly: Rainbow
courtly: Rainbow
courtly: HLA session
courtly: HLA session
courtly: ALA Advocacy table
courtly: ALA Advocacy table
courtly: Hawaii
courtly: Open textbooks session #hlafall14
courtly: From the open textbooks session #hlafall14
courtly: Dessert
courtly: Fish and risotto
courtly: Scallops and roasted beets salad
courtly: Gingerbread house
courtly: Elevator hula girl
courtly: Elevator hula girl
courtly: Welcome gifts
courtly: Welcome gifts
courtly: Macadamia nuts
courtly: Chocolate covered macadamia nuts: milk, dark, and white
courtly: Chocolate and remote
courtly: Hotel room view
courtly: Hotel room view
courtly: Lei