courtly: Yes, another flight
courtly: NOLA Proclamation at ALA
courtly: Gold star from Jenny (@shifted)
courtly: Someone call the fashion police
courtly: Another Nordstrom pizza
courtly: Nordstrom cafe, Chicago
courtly: Nordstrom cafe, Chicago
courtly: More desserts
courtly: Nordstrom cafe, Chicago
courtly: Nordstrom cafe, Chicago
courtly: Pizza
courtly: Nordstrom cafe, Chicago
courtly: Nordstrom cafe, Chicago
courtly: Nordstrom cafe, Chicago
courtly: Sandwiches
courtly: Shoes
courtly: For the ALA Executive Board
courtly: ALA staff awards
courtly: ALA staff awards
courtly: ALA staff awards
courtly: ALA staff awards
courtly: Jenifer's fabulous shoes
courtly: More pies for a Chicago trip
courtly: Yep, I'm headed there, twice in one month
courtly: Apple store on Michigan Ave.
courtly: Hotel view
courtly: Another hotel view
courtly: Cosi lunch
courtly: ALA BARC day two
courtly: Dessert!