courtly: Dash
courtly: 54000 miles!
courtly: Lots of miles and a full tank for once
courtly: Serious mileage
courtly: Odomoter of the year
courtly: 105000
courtly: Dash at night
courtly: 107000
courtly: 27 miles
courtly: Funny
courtly: 112500
courtly: 500 more miles
courtly: 114114
courtly: Cutting it close
courtly: 115511
courtly: Lots of miles
courtly: 117,000
courtly: 117117
courtly: 118811
courtly: 119,000
courtly: Milestone
courtly: 125,000
courtly: 129,600
courtly: 130,000
courtly: You've come a long way baby
courtly: 140140
courtly: 142, 000