courgettelawn: Alpine flower
courgettelawn: Alpine succulent
courgettelawn: Succulent
courgettelawn: Alpine flowers
courgettelawn: Hidden church, Appian Way
courgettelawn: Church of Sant'Urbano
courgettelawn: Hiding behind an olive
courgettelawn: New Romans
courgettelawn: Church of Sant'Urbano, Caffarella Park, Rome
courgettelawn: Nyphaeum, Appian Way (Caffarella Park, Rome)
courgettelawn: Stream, Appian Way
courgettelawn: Purple wildflower, Caffarella Park
courgettelawn: White wildflower, Caffarella Park
courgettelawn: Yellow wildflower, Caffarella Park
courgettelawn: Derelict palazzo?
courgettelawn: Roman sheep
courgettelawn: Sheep, Appian Way (Caffarella Park, Rome)
courgettelawn: Walking the Appian Way