courgettelawn: Cheesemaking course, Hartpury College
courgettelawn: Remember to wash your hands
courgettelawn: Junket (failed cheese)
courgettelawn: After starter culture
courgettelawn: Cheese creation tub
courgettelawn: Fatty acids
courgettelawn: Dairy thermometers in sterilising solition
courgettelawn: Burco water boiler
courgettelawn: Cheese press weights and some soft cheese
courgettelawn: Cheese press
courgettelawn: Curds and whey after rennet
courgettelawn: First cheddaring
courgettelawn: Acid testing
courgettelawn: Second cheddaring
courgettelawn: Keeping curds warm
courgettelawn: Cut curds ready for salting
courgettelawn: Smaller cut curds in cheese mould and cloth
courgettelawn: Cheese in mould ready for pressing
courgettelawn: My cheese
courgettelawn: Cheeses ready for pressing
courgettelawn: Cheeses in the press
courgettelawn: My cheese has arrived!
courgettelawn: Goats milk cheddar
courgettelawn: My cheese
courgettelawn: Goats milk cheddar truckle
courgettelawn: My cheese truckle