courgettelawn: Salisbury Cathedral shadow reflection
courgettelawn: Misericord, inside Salisbury Cathedral
courgettelawn: The nave, Salisbury Cathedral
courgettelawn: Hour bell, Salisbury Cathedral
courgettelawn: Man-powered crane, tower, Salisbury Cathedral
courgettelawn: Medieval spire scaffolding, Salisbury Cathedral
courgettelawn: Fountain reflection, Salisbury Cathedral
courgettelawn: Trinity Chapel windows, Salisbury Cathedral
courgettelawn: Stained glass, west front, Salisbury Cathedral
courgettelawn: Stained glass window at the west front
courgettelawn: Samson posts, at original tower level, Salisbury Cathedral
courgettelawn: Pinnacles, Salisbury Cathedral
courgettelawn: Towards Old Sarum and the Plain
courgettelawn: The spire from the tower viewing gallery
courgettelawn: Spire, Salisbury Cathedral
courgettelawn: Cloister window, Salisbury Cathedral
courgettelawn: Cloister windows, Salisbury Cathedral
courgettelawn: Into the 'garth'
courgettelawn: Cloister garth
courgettelawn: Cloisters and garth
courgettelawn: Towards the west door
courgettelawn: Cloister shadows
courgettelawn: Cathedral reflection in black and white
courgettelawn: Masks
courgettelawn: Gospel choir
courgettelawn: Praise
courgettelawn: Mary watching procession
courgettelawn: Didgeridoo at Salisbury Flag Festival
courgettelawn: St Osmund among the flags and masks
courgettelawn: King and flag