courambel: To you, with my admiration...
courambel: Could we get much higher ? Could we get much lighter ? Navigator to heaven... (Mike OLDFIELD)
courambel: The stars, so close we touch them...
courambel: We move through open spaces... The wind, it pulls... he sky gets close, yeah ... - To JoJo4Art...
courambel: The best for you, Jerry Lee !
courambel: To my defaits... and yours...
courambel: Happy new year
courambel: Happy new year
courambel: Greetings
courambel: New year
courambel: To our beloved one...
courambel: To our doubts and fagilities...
courambel: To the missings...
courambel: To you
courambel: IMG_6638
courambel: IMG_6627
courambel: welcome 2007