CountyLemonade: northbound State St (US-89/US-91/westbound US-50A) at I-15 in Lehi, late 1960s
CountyLemonade: southbound US-89/US-91 / eastbound US-50A at I-15 in Lehi, late 1960s
CountyLemonade: State Street at 100 East in American Fork, late 1960s
CountyLemonade: North Temple (US-89A/US-91A) at 200 West, 1971
CountyLemonade: North Temple (US-89A/US-91A) at 200 West, 1971
CountyLemonade: North Temple at 300 West, 1971
CountyLemonade: US-30S at SR-158, late 1960s
CountyLemonade: westbound 3300 South at I-15, late 1960s
CountyLemonade: 3300 South at I-15, 1971
CountyLemonade: 1300 East at Highland Drive, late 1960s
CountyLemonade: 1300 East at Highland Dr, late 1960s
CountyLemonade: eastbound SR-79 at SR-204 in Ogden
CountyLemonade: US-40 between Salt Lake and Echo
CountyLemonade: North Temple Viaduct (US-40), early 1970s
CountyLemonade: Foothill Dr (US-40) entering Salt Lake City, 1970s
CountyLemonade: Washington Blvd and 40th St in Ogden, mid 1960s
CountyLemonade: Clearfield, mid 1960s
CountyLemonade: Gentile and Main streets in Layton, mid 1960s
CountyLemonade: Downtown Ogden, summer 1965
CountyLemonade: Washington Blvd in Ogden, mid 1960s
CountyLemonade: 500 South at 300 West, late 1960s
CountyLemonade: 600 South viaduct at 300 West, late 1960s
CountyLemonade: 300 West (2nd West) at North Temple, 1970
CountyLemonade: 31st Street at I-15/I-80N in Ogden, 1970
CountyLemonade: 800 South at West Temple, 1970
CountyLemonade: State Route 276 in southeastern Utah, 1970
CountyLemonade: 400 South at State Street, 1971
CountyLemonade: Riverdale Rd at 1900 West, 1971
CountyLemonade: Interstate 70 approaching Green River, 1971
CountyLemonade: Interstate 70 at Green River, 1971