Counter Culture Coffee: Friday morning geek session!
Counter Culture Coffee: Who else is ready for iced coffee season?
Counter Culture Coffee: All the notes! Cupping Leaders Lab in Asheville, NC. @CounterIntelCCC [regram @tssatterwhite]
Counter Culture Coffee: Certification practice! @sexyfoam & @hannahpoppy3 practicing milk pouring with water. @CounterIntelCCC
Counter Culture Coffee: The beginning of a beautiful thing... Learning milk technique at the CCC Training Center in NYC. @CounterIntelCCC
Counter Culture Coffee: Deconstructing a shot of espresso at the Beginner Espresso Lab! @CounterIntelCCC
Counter Culture Coffee: The end of two days of Brew Science labs, Philly Training Center. Siphon regram from our new CR @chelseathoumsin! @CounterIntelCCC
Counter Culture Coffee: Someone's officially a Certified Coffee Steward... (hint: it's our Coffee Buyer's Agent @hannahpoppy3) @CounterIntelCCC
Counter Culture Coffee: Congrats @danielhadwynn of @jubalacoffee on your Coffee Steward Certification! @CounterIntelCCC (photo @sexyfoam)