councildistrictfour: 05.21.09 resurfacing
councildistrictfour: 05.22.09 Tom and DWP worker
councildistrictfour: 05.22.09 Tom and DWP singer
councildistrictfour: 05.22.09 Tom speaks at City Employee Memorial
councildistrictfour: 05.22.09 Tom with 2nd grader
councildistrictfour: 05.21.09 Tom with street crew
councildistrictfour: 05.22.09 crowd at memorial
councildistrictfour: 05.22.09 Unveiling the Monument
councildistrictfour: 05.22.09 The Memorial
councildistrictfour: 05.22.09 DWP Memorial
councildistrictfour: 05.22.09 DWP memorial 2