Nik Coultas: @chris_chatt86 look what you started!!
Nik Coultas: 2009-08-21 16:22:25 +0100
Nik Coultas: Correct spelling tonight #devoran #Cornwall
Nik Coultas: New arrival in the field! #cow #farm
Nik Coultas: Oh I do like to be beside the seaside #cornwall
Nik Coultas: #devron #Cornwall
Nik Coultas: Another day, another broken down #vw
Nik Coultas: Sunday morning drive.
Nik Coultas: #postmanprat
Nik Coultas: Nice to see some color in those cheeks!
Nik Coultas: Office for the next two hours calls !
Nik Coultas: Freak show
Nik Coultas: @rowancoultas 1st at the Groms open. 10% rule about to kick in.
Nik Coultas: Life is sweet......
Nik Coultas: Lesson from a "pro"
Nik Coultas: Hopefully some snow in the clouds
Nik Coultas: Stoked with my Xmas gift that Archie made for me. Happy Xmas all.
Nik Coultas: Xmas eve = noodle soup in Austria so my attempt is now on the go!
Nik Coultas: Xmas Market time
Nik Coultas: Dumping
Nik Coultas: Defrosting
Nik Coultas: One man and his dog #noeffects
Nik Coultas: No hash tags here.....
Nik Coultas: Top to bottom of the Penken, no biggie!
Nik Coultas: These fellows rocked tonight, best band I've seen this year.....
Nik Coultas: #aber #hallo
Nik Coultas: Afro crew.
Nik Coultas: This fella just turned up, kids seem pretty excited....