couloir: Lift Status Board
couloir: Fire Boarder
couloir: Roundhouse slash
couloir: Cody reflection
couloir: Andrea
couloir: leaving the ski area
couloir: climbing
couloir: wind blown
couloir: Sucking in some air
couloir: Mirror image
couloir: Supermoon
couloir: Black Tusk and the Tantalus
couloir: 450 on 270 off
couloir: Flat box
couloir: And they're off!
couloir: back of the pack
couloir: bear cub
couloir: New Berm
couloir: New Rock Drop
couloir: good show
couloir: leading
couloir: fun fun
couloir: Crack Addict drop
couloir: DSC_2841
couloir: K'Naan
couloir: Troy
couloir: style
couloir: Riders to the top..
couloir: out of the berm
couloir: whipped