couloir: Seaport Ice
couloir: tall ships
couloir: world financial center
couloir: colgate clock
couloir: lady liberty
couloir: lady liberty's closeup
couloir: brooklyn bridge
couloir: underside of the brooklyn bridge
couloir: brooklyn bridge silhouetted
couloir: bridge in front of manhattan
couloir: this way
couloir: thats where we're going
couloir: see ya
couloir: web like
couloir: lookin at one from another
couloir: manhattan bridge and the empire state
couloir: lots of history
couloir: the roadway
couloir: downtown manhattan
couloir: wonderful engineering
couloir: more webby stuff
couloir: mmm cheesecake
couloir: ground zero construction
couloir: stuck for space
couloir: now arriving...
couloir: clean as a whistle
couloir: new yankee stadium
couloir: ball field
couloir: poser