couloir: View from our room at El Retiro
couloir: Restaurant at El Retiro, Lanquin
couloir: Lanquin River
couloir: eating area
couloir: beautiful flower
couloir: Lanquin
couloir: El Retiro
couloir: packed lunches from El Retiro
couloir: view in front of our room
couloir: relaxing
couloir: why not to leave food on ur bed
couloir: hanging on
couloir: entering Lanquin caves
couloir: checking out the cave
couloir: DSCF0414
couloir: the tower
couloir: crazy looking spider
couloir: the curtains
couloir: exiting Lanquin caves
couloir: toad outside our room
couloir: toad outside our room
couloir: bridge over river near Semuc Champey
couloir: river near Semuc Champey
couloir: waterfall near Ken'baa caves
couloir: DSCF0445
couloir: me jumping off the bridge
couloir: andrea jumping off the bridge
couloir: bridge near Semuc Champey
couloir: cacao trees
couloir: walking up