puma1: Panama City
puma1: the restaurant at the Dacropolis
puma1: Panama City
puma1: CIMG0475 (Medium)
puma1: CIMG0448 (Medium)
puma1: getting through the cows on the way in
puma1: The attack ostrich and the disease bag pigeons
puma1: umm...shouldn't you stop reading the paper?
puma1: CIMG0489 (Medium)
puma1: CIMG0491 (Medium)
puma1: the first night's dinner
puma1: the appearance of lil' pete!
puma1: they wanted to get under my bed too, jerks
puma1: Pete and Lil' pete love salil's bed
puma1: Cougar headquarters
puma1: CIMG0508 (Medium)
puma1: the sign of our resort area
puma1: Villa Marina
puma1: the Two Headed Salil
puma1: a view from the side of the house
puma1: purty parrot
puma1: the perfect setup
puma1: Self timer fun...
puma1: Salil's first catch
puma1: Jose (?) trying to grab rob's ass
puma1: panama fishing trip
puma1: Salil getting sumthin
puma1: Rob gettin sumthin
puma1: My first Bonita
puma1: Ewww...