cottontailquilts: House finch
cottontailquilts: House finch love
cottontailquilts: Roosting in the porch rafter
cottontailquilts: Doves waiting for their seeds
cottontailquilts: nesting birds outside the BR window
cottontailquilts: Zelda the turkey at the window
cottontailquilts: Mamma feeding Zelda turkey cookies
cottontailquilts: Zelda drinkin' Papa's Coke
cottontailquilts: Zelda drinking pop
cottontailquilts: Papa holding a ruby throated humming bird
cottontailquilts: Ruby throated humming bird
cottontailquilts: Getting ready to release
cottontailquilts: He's soooooo soft
cottontailquilts: Papa holding the saw-whet owl
cottontailquilts: Releasing the Saw-whet owl
cottontailquilts: The house finch is back
cottontailquilts: House Finch on Papa
cottontailquilts: fuzzy love
cottontailquilts: A chickadee inthe house!
cottontailquilts: Papa holding the saw-whet owl