cosymakes: alaska hat
cosymakes: smiling a little bit
cosymakes: smiling a lot
cosymakes: my hat, i mean, ben's hat
cosymakes: useful finished object one
cosymakes: useful finished object two
cosymakes: tricera top II...
cosymakes: sustainable style 20 May 06
cosymakes: modeled
cosymakes: hat/bag swap
cosymakes: me and my supernova
cosymakes: a day well spent
cosymakes: ben and nova
cosymakes: benjamin
cosymakes: nova and i
cosymakes: froberger the hamster
cosymakes: happy new year! and thesis update
cosymakes: new hat
cosymakes: hand dyed traditional mittens - modeled
cosymakes: snow plus running water
cosymakes: ben's new favorite way to take pictures
cosymakes: ben usually has the camera...
cosymakes: ben's usual favorite way to take pictures
cosymakes: theater parking lot
cosymakes: ribbony river
cosymakes: mount mckinley
cosymakes: 11:30 pm
cosymakes: the whole crew
cosymakes: a friendly helper
cosymakes: sushi