Costruirecollego: Metro I love you
Costruirecollego: Yummy snow
Costruirecollego: Why can't we just rewind?
Costruirecollego: I guanti li ho lasciati da te circa un anno fa
Costruirecollego: Three generations
Costruirecollego: Where does the good go?
Costruirecollego: Have you waited long?
Costruirecollego: Keep the earth below my feet
Costruirecollego: Who's there? #2
Costruirecollego: Cut out all the ropes and let me fall
Costruirecollego: And there will come a time, you'll see
Costruirecollego: Won't follow you into the rabbit hole
Costruirecollego: Quando mi accendo io ti spegni tu
Costruirecollego: I've got the cure
Costruirecollego: I'm moving east
Costruirecollego: Anywhere else you could possibly go
Costruirecollego: Stop crying to the ocean
Costruirecollego: Cuckoo! Almost summer!
Costruirecollego: Straight?
Costruirecollego: Anatomy of a hangover
Costruirecollego: Watch out
Costruirecollego: Welcome to Helsinki