Erwin Keustermans:
Sweeping the floor
Erwin Keustermans:
Finger sweeping of an imaginary room 2
Erwin Keustermans:
Sweeping the floor, avoiding the legs of a chair.
Erwin Keustermans:
Sweeping the floor, avoiding two chairs against a wall and a table with two chairs upside down on top.
Erwin Keustermans:
Folding linen
Erwin Keustermans:
Folding linen
Erwin Keustermans:
Folding linen.
Erwin Keustermans:
Erwin Keustermans:
hand drawing loops in two directions, first left hand, then right hand, while looking away
Erwin Keustermans:
2 limaçons, first left hand, then right hand drawing, while looking away
Erwin Keustermans:
4 limaçons, while looking away, left hand drawing
Erwin Keustermans:
Six basic strokes for a left handed me.
Erwin Keustermans:
drawing, wiping, sweeping music
Erwin Keustermans:
sweeping with the finger around disks arbitrarely placed in the top left quarter of a rectangle, using black and white lines.
Erwin Keustermans:
morphokinetic control with limited topokinetic control
Erwin Keustermans:
scribbles combined with three levels of detail
Erwin Keustermans:
Left hand drawing, looping, changing direction, while watching
Erwin Keustermans:
see less, think harder.
Erwin Keustermans:
White scribbles will not make Arnulf pretty
Erwin Keustermans:
scribbles scratched in painted plaster in a rectangular area of 110 by 140 cm approx., with the bottom line at floor level.
Erwin Keustermans:
Sweeping stairs
Erwin Keustermans:
Scribbles, scrawls and scratches at four different scales, each adding to the previous
Erwin Keustermans:
4 drawings of 500 strokes each, in which the supremacy of gesturalism over minimalism is shown.
Erwin Keustermans:
scribbles in three directions, on six different scales, with increasing opacity.
Erwin Keustermans:
Most gentle sweeping, in which the artist meets mister Blake
Erwin Keustermans:
Machine for drawing, model #2
Erwin Keustermans:
The Stanislawski approach to drawing: the body within the frame.
Erwin Keustermans:
Drawing made with drawing machine #2 in mind
Erwin Keustermans:
Drawing a man from memory with drawing machine #2 in mind
Erwin Keustermans:
Conventional drawing keeping the elbow at a fixed point (56x76cm)