Erwin Keustermans:
bilateral symmetry
Erwin Keustermans:
15 permutations
Erwin Keustermans:
after a photograph by August Sander
Erwin Keustermans:
after drawings by Piffin Keustermans
Erwin Keustermans:
after drawings by Carlo Zinelli
Erwin Keustermans:
after drawings by Annette Messager
Erwin Keustermans:
a ragged array of bilateral bodyplans taken from drawings by Piffin Keustermans
Erwin Keustermans:
a ragged array with Zinelli bilaterals
Erwin Keustermans:
after a photograph by August Sander
Erwin Keustermans:
white man, left side veiled
Erwin Keustermans:
After drawings by Kristiane Keustermans
Erwin Keustermans:
Bilateral with head and tail and branching limbs
Erwin Keustermans:
bilateral with head 'n tail and branching limbs
Erwin Keustermans:
Thus-and-thus and so-and-so
Erwin Keustermans:
japanese lion
Erwin Keustermans:
two bilateral symmetries, edged and centered
Erwin Keustermans:
segmented bilateral
Erwin Keustermans:
segmented bilateral with holes
Erwin Keustermans:
bilateral with internal structure
Erwin Keustermans:
plurilateral or rather radiata
Erwin Keustermans:
a flock of hands, based on Bruno Munari's "Supplemento al dizionario italiano” (1963)
Erwin Keustermans:
the seer and the seen
Erwin Keustermans:
symmetry, depth and line.