fergunia: Red Square in Moscow. After rain.
fergunia: Water girl. Nymph Kostroma (Купальщица)
fergunia: girl bent leg
fergunia: River Volga in Kostroma
fergunia: Pirates on the shores of Russian rivers
fergunia: portrait from back
fergunia: boy
fergunia: Moscow girl studentin the wind
fergunia: Double portrait
fergunia: Crossing the river
fergunia: Kostroma village in summer. Wooden mill
fergunia: Country girl style
fergunia: Russian Winter
fergunia: Girl in sunflowers
fergunia: Female street photography
fergunia: Girl on the river
fergunia: a girl in shorts
fergunia: The Queen of Spades
fergunia: girlwoman
fergunia: Girl on the tree
fergunia: Portrait of a girl
fergunia: portrait
fergunia: Gorgon
fergunia: hairstyle
fergunia: River mermaids
fergunia: Девочка гвоздь из столба достает голыми руками
fergunia: Portrait
fergunia: Merry Snow Maiden
fergunia: Dangerous icicles!
fergunia: street portrait