cosmicpumpkin: Standing in the first line of a million lines.
cosmicpumpkin: Cathay Pacific international gate JFK
cosmicpumpkin: And they closed the bar!
cosmicpumpkin: Flight delays result in hundreds of stranded passengers
cosmicpumpkin: Hour 26
cosmicpumpkin: Sit and wait.
cosmicpumpkin: more sit and wait
cosmicpumpkin: people were everywhere
cosmicpumpkin: sleeping snowstorm refugees
cosmicpumpkin: Apparently, I tired of depressing JFK photos. This is the beautiful Hong Kong Airport.
cosmicpumpkin: Bangkok. Dev and I attempt to get on a bus to get to an overnight ferry. It's about 3:30am on kho sahn road.
cosmicpumpkin: kho sahn road, bangkok.
cosmicpumpkin: My favorite airport in the entire world - no hyperbole -Bangkok Airport
cosmicpumpkin: we just had a cold, cold beer
cosmicpumpkin: dazzled by the outside world
cosmicpumpkin: biding our time on the stand-by line
cosmicpumpkin: ...we've earned 2 tickets to paradise
cosmicpumpkin: super cool