cosmicpumpkin: More photographic evidence of Arnaud gettin fresh with Devo.
cosmicpumpkin: Oh. Arnaud. How we miss you.
cosmicpumpkin: Devin works too hard.
cosmicpumpkin: That's what she said.
cosmicpumpkin: Tired and more than a little sad.
cosmicpumpkin: So, I says to Paula...
cosmicpumpkin: Kevin. Kevin Toney.
cosmicpumpkin: Unhinged.
cosmicpumpkin: Sleepy Devo
cosmicpumpkin: 2 blokes sittin' around drinkin'
cosmicpumpkin: Alex seems to say: "Didn't this dude leave the country?" Then she seems to say: "Wait... am I in England?" (jp chanda)
cosmicpumpkin: Leather buddy.
cosmicpumpkin: Eastern Europeans unite!
cosmicpumpkin: Gents!!
cosmicpumpkin: Did she REALLY say that?
cosmicpumpkin: Okay. Where did that hand go?
cosmicpumpkin: I look totally naked in this pic.
cosmicpumpkin: Stop hitting me.
cosmicpumpkin: He tastes like sour grapfruit.
cosmicpumpkin: you know. for kids.
cosmicpumpkin: We will miss smoochin.
cosmicpumpkin: TOO CLOSE!
cosmicpumpkin: Alex likes them mysterious and hard to read.
cosmicpumpkin: I don't know what's happening but I look surprised.
cosmicpumpkin: Seriously. They get the world's cutest couple award.
cosmicpumpkin: Bacon scotch
cosmicpumpkin: Ewww. Arnaud germs.