Philip Wanzer: The start of a great time
Philip Wanzer: Here we go
Philip Wanzer: I think it is up there
Philip Wanzer: Matt reading the tour guide
Philip Wanzer: Look how fast he is moving that mattock
Philip Wanzer: Nothing like a broom to tidy up a bit
Philip Wanzer: Frost Flower, one of many we saw
Philip Wanzer: DSCF9664
Philip Wanzer: Lopping some invasive vines, nasty things
Philip Wanzer: a mighty sweep
Philip Wanzer: Yes it was a bit chilly
Philip Wanzer: Iron leaches out of the sandstone and this friendly growth results
Philip Wanzer: I was amazed how this stood out right next to the stream
Philip Wanzer: DSCF9675
Philip Wanzer: DSCF9677
Philip Wanzer: DSCF9679
Philip Wanzer: A steep step
Philip Wanzer: Matt cutting more of that dang vine
Philip Wanzer: Fellow hikers, we had a good visit with them
Philip Wanzer: Such a pretty amazing place
Philip Wanzer: 300 million old tree imprint
Philip Wanzer: I think it was that way
Philip Wanzer: Do you think some of this "paint" made it to cave walls?
Philip Wanzer: A great group
Philip Wanzer: I love it
Philip Wanzer: A good time we were having
Philip Wanzer: When I was a kid in NY, Nelson Rockefeller was our governor. His brother was smart and moved here
Philip Wanzer: Pretty tiny violet
Philip Wanzer: DSCF9723
Philip Wanzer: DSCF9724