Philip Wanzer: My ride down to the creek
Philip Wanzer: Heading to the creek
Philip Wanzer: He is using his mattock to stir up the bottom to knock the bugs off the rocks into the net
Philip Wanzer: DSCF8560
Philip Wanzer: I think I see it
Philip Wanzer: Scientific work being preformed
Philip Wanzer: Pristine water
Philip Wanzer: DSCF8565
Philip Wanzer: Hunting bugs
Philip Wanzer: Just came up for air
Philip Wanzer: DSCF8568
Philip Wanzer: DSCF8570
Philip Wanzer: She has the right idea in this heat
Philip Wanzer: Separating and categorizing the invertebrates
Philip Wanzer: Just a beautiful shot
Philip Wanzer: My ride down
Philip Wanzer: DSCF8575
Philip Wanzer: DSCF8577
Philip Wanzer: Arrowhead found
Philip Wanzer: A great crew
Philip Wanzer: Getting ready to head back