Philip Wanzer: DSCF3060
Philip Wanzer: DSCF3061
Philip Wanzer: DSCF3064
Philip Wanzer: DSCF3066
Philip Wanzer: DSCF3068
Philip Wanzer: A man of many hats
Philip Wanzer: Just seconds before I took this I stood at the pulpit and said very loud, In the beginning, was the word...
Philip Wanzer: DSCF3071
Philip Wanzer: I was chilly and the wind was blowing
Philip Wanzer: During a game about clean verse polluted.
Philip Wanzer: Investigation.
Philip Wanzer: He would use the duck call to gather us back together, he warned us not to make him use his whistle.
Philip Wanzer: Searching for the peppermint beetle by smelling the trees
Philip Wanzer: Still searching for the peppermint beetle
Philip Wanzer: Journal time. I wrote as if my life was a stream: I often feel like a stream, sometimes slow, many times fast. My life ebbs and flows. In the slack times I may stagnate. Other times flush with the clean spring flow.
Philip Wanzer: This was right in front of a bench along meditation trail.
Philip Wanzer: DSCF3085
Philip Wanzer: DSCF3086
Philip Wanzer: DSCF3088