Children's Organization of Southeast Asia: Girls drawing a family portrait
Children's Organization of Southeast Asia: Aying and Nittaya excited about the rainbow
Children's Organization of Southeast Asia: 19 girls! COSA is getting bigger and bigger!
Children's Organization of Southeast Asia: The COSA-Girls-Family-Portrait!
Children's Organization of Southeast Asia: SaiJai, concentrated colouring
Children's Organization of Southeast Asia: Meeju, Srithong, New and Gung on their way to the tempelfestival in our village
Children's Organization of Southeast Asia: Hannah teaching Shimi, Aying and Nittaya how to knit
Children's Organization of Southeast Asia: Saijai and her new favourite hobby: the guitar
Children's Organization of Southeast Asia: Hannah and Saijai with their favorite instrument
Children's Organization of Southeast Asia: Nittaya playing the guitar
Children's Organization of Southeast Asia: Aying presents her picture
Children's Organization of Southeast Asia: Ping busy with colouring
Children's Organization of Southeast Asia: Rah-tee colouring with water-colour
Children's Organization of Southeast Asia: Nikita, Lori and Tara from Australia were busy playing with our girls
Children's Organization of Southeast Asia: Lori, Nikita and Tara with Gung, Yui, Shimi and Meeju