Children's Organization of Southeast Asia: Enjoying the water, Hawaiian shirt and all!
Children's Organization of Southeast Asia: School holiday waterfall fun!
Children's Organization of Southeast Asia: Laura and Meeju enjoying the water!
Children's Organization of Southeast Asia: Sai Jai and Rahel at Mae Sa Waterfall
Children's Organization of Southeast Asia: Swimming lessons at PREM
Children's Organization of Southeast Asia: Enjoying play time at PREM pool
Children's Organization of Southeast Asia: Enjoying sinking to the bottom at PREM
Children's Organization of Southeast Asia: Fon and Goy learning how to swim
Children's Organization of Southeast Asia: C-Tong and Ning playing in the pool
Children's Organization of Southeast Asia: Meeju playing underwater games
Children's Organization of Southeast Asia: Shimi enjoying time in the pool
Children's Organization of Southeast Asia: Mexican food preparation
Children's Organization of Southeast Asia: More water fights.. And Songkrans over!
Children's Organization of Southeast Asia: Water fights in the garden at BYS
Children's Organization of Southeast Asia: SaiJai and her water balloon!